Monday, October 23, 2006

Folder Marker, AllPeers, PMeter, PC Image Editor

Folder Marker

Folder Marker is your small assistant to mark your folders. One mouse-click and it becomes clear at once. The utility adds an item "Mark Folder" in the folder popup menu and this makes changing a folder icon, a breeze. Folder Marker can mark folders by priority (high, normal, low), by degree of work completeness (done, half-done, planned) and by the form of the information contained in a folder (work files, important files, temp files, private files). Also, Folder Marker can work with several folders at once. Folder Marker contains a User's Icons tab. Add to 10 of your favorite icons and mark folders with them. The 900 KB Folder Marker v.1.2 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD (Source: Linda Bee)


AllPeers is a Firefox extension to share files with your contacts- Sharing files and folders is as simple as dragging them onto your friend's names and clicking 'Share'. Sharing webpages and photos from the web is easy as well. Just drag the web page tab or photo directly onto your friend's name. Of course you have to have friends in your contact list to share with, and that is as simple as adding a contact's email address to invite them. No more transferring large files via email, AllPeers makes it a lot easier. The 4 MB AllPeers Beta 0.50, Aug 22, 2006, for Windows, MacOSX, Linux,CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Please note that AllPeers needs your email address for registration purposes, and your contacts too need to download the AllPeers application and register with his or her email id.


PMeter is a very handy pixel meter. Features include lets switching between 3 user configurations, width and colors for each configuration can be set individually, desktop magnifier, color picker and more. Simple to use double click the ruler to rotate it by 90°, hold down the shift key to move the ruler horizontally or vertically, and to pick the color of any pixel click at the color picker box and drag to mouse cursor while holding the left mouse button. The display for mouse cursor coordinates might also be found useful. PMeter is a portable application, you can carry with you on your USB drive, can also be installed locally to your hard drive too. PMeter CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.
(Source: FreewareNews)

PC Image Editor

PC Image Editor is a free graphics editor. You can edit images from a variety of formats. User-friendly interface enables to work intuitively. Features include - Copy, Move, Delete, and Rename; adjust colors in photos; apply filters such as Hue, Negative, Colorize, Posterize; Mosaic; rotations and transformations; Perspective and Skew; blur images; sharpen images; image resizing; setting an image as the desktop wallpaper. It also contains enhanced brushes and painting options. PC Image Editor is provided as freeware for private (non-commercial) use. PC Image Editor v3.40,CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.
(Source: FreewareNews)

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